Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Monkey Business

The Monkey Business started about six years ago. A running joke between Rabbit and Bunny's dad. Monkey cards are always given on holidays and birthdays. Monkeys are dressed up with bunny ears for Easter, Monkey Nutcrackers are presents at Christmas, and below is the Oscar winning "Lonesome Chimp" that Rabbit made for Dad a couple of Christmas' ago. One of Dad's favorite books and movies is "Lonesome Dove," so when we came across the cowboy sock monkey we knew we had a winner.
Dad this post is in honor of you...keep up the monkey business! We love you so much!

Lonesome Chimp - Small wood drawer, cowboy sock monkey,
horseshoe, barbed wire swizel sticks, western charms, bottle caps.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Duck, Duck, Not a Goose

After waiting 37 years, Bunny's little sis has finally become a mother. Last month she gave birth to a gorgeous baby girl. Her baby room is all decorated in pink and brown...sis should be a professional decorator. So as not to clash with anything in the wee one's eye sight, I created this pink and brown pull toy to sit on her shelf. Not intended for children under three...so she will just have to admire it until she gets older.

Duck, Duck - Decoy head, wooden shoeform, dominoes, metal furniture parts

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Shot of Whisky

Below is a shot of "Whisky". He's a rescue dog. Rescued from the junkyard. He was given to a caring friend for his birthday. We know that he will be well cared for in his new home state of Mississippi. He's a bright little canine with a shining personality who we hope ages to perfection.

Whisky - Homart Brite Beam Lantern, biscuit cutter,
shoe horns, door stop, shoe stretcher parts

and a Whisky decanter tag.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

It's HOT!

We are suppose to get a "cold" front this weekend, so instead of it being 103 it is going down to 96...woo hoo!!! Speaking of "hot", here is a project we did for a very close friend of ours.

Hot - Wooden box, drawer pull, HOT faucet knob,
metal furniture parts, and drawing on book page

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Flown the coup

In our 8 to 5 world there is a lovely one taking flight to start a new beginning in life...retirement. She has been a wonderful friend that was so helpful in welcoming us rabbits to Dallas when we didn't know a soul. She will be missed greatly!! Thank you MA for being there for us.

Be Still and Hear My Music - MA's b-day gift earlier this year.

Bracelet created from antique shoe clip - MA's retirement gift.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

First Post

Joining the many artists out there that have their own blogs, the jUNKYARD rABBITS have decided to adventure out of the tall grass and explore the wide open spaces without fear. We are a husband (Rabbit) and wife (Bunny) team that love to go on adventures that take us to the dark corners of barns and the abandoned hutches of others finding those tossed aside items that we can't pass up and use them to create art. This is a chance to get our art out into the public eye and not just in the homes of our family and friends.
We will be posting pics of some of our past and current work in the next couple of weeks. Just for starters here is one favorite that hangs in the home of our Mississippi artist friends.

All Roads Lead 2 Texas....just in case they ever forget.