Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Shot of Whisky

Below is a shot of "Whisky". He's a rescue dog. Rescued from the junkyard. He was given to a caring friend for his birthday. We know that he will be well cared for in his new home state of Mississippi. He's a bright little canine with a shining personality who we hope ages to perfection.

Whisky - Homart Brite Beam Lantern, biscuit cutter,
shoe horns, door stop, shoe stretcher parts

and a Whisky decanter tag.


Pat said...

Just wonderful!!!!......not just art but lasting treasures!!!!.....Boston sends a big "WOOF"......

Blue Star CrossFit said...

Very Cool!!! So cute!

shootingstar57 said...

I want a wiskey...
Great stuff. Can't wait to see more art.