Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Need a Hand

No new projects, so thought I would showcase some past pieces.  The first one is something that Rabbit created for his daughter, Brittany, to display her jewelry.  He took several items that had been sitting in the garage for several years...bought from junk stores and Round Top.  Using an old wood plinth block he added a painted mannequin hand and some metal hooks and this is the result.

Will hold a ton of jewelry...and she has a ton of it!  But that is exactly why she went into the jewelry making business. 

Check out the Etsy Bloggers Team article that showcased her and her jewelry.

Below is a small piece I created for our artist friends in Mississippi who dream of having their own BarBQue business one day.  They can smoke up a great brisket that keeps you coming back for more.  I actually created this piece, not telling the friends and then asked them if they had their business what would they name it...and after they ran through several renditions using their family name they finally decided on Shaw Co. BarBQue... exactly what I had painted.  Was so glad because I wasn't creating a different one!

1 comment:

Blue Star CrossFit said...

Awesome Post! Thanks for the shout out! I love my Hand!